Exterior Waterproofing and Drainage: Dos and Don’ts - Atlas Restoration
Exterior Waterproofing


Exterior Waterproofing and Drainage: Dos and Don’ts

As a homeowner in the Chicagoland area, you understand the importance of protecting your home from water damage. Exterior waterproofing and drainage systems play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of your home’s foundation and preventing costly repairs. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to know what works best for your specific situation. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on the dos and don’ts of exterior waterproofing and drainage systems.

The Importance of Exterior Waterproofing and Drainage

Before diving into the dos and don’ts, it’s essential to understand why exterior waterproofing and drainage systems are necessary. The primary goal of these systems is to keep water away from your home’s foundation, preventing potential damage from water seepage, mold growth, and structural issues.

In the Chicagoland area, where heavy rains and snowfalls are common, having a proper exterior waterproofing and drainage system in place is crucial to maintaining your home’s value and safety.

How Can Water Damage a Home?

Water can cause significant damage to a home if not properly managed.

·        One of the main causes of water damage is poor gutter drainage, which can result in water accumulating around the foundation of a house. This can lead to serious foundation problems, such as cracking and shifting, as well as basement flooding.

·        Additionally, inadequate waterproofing in areas such as the roof, windows, and doors can allow water to seep into the home, causing damage to walls, ceilings, and floors.

·        Water damage can also result in the growth of mold and mildew, which can pose health risks to the occupants of the home.

·        In extreme cases, water damage can compromise the structural integrity of the home, leading to costly repairs and renovations.

It is important for homeowners to regularly inspect and maintain their gutter drainage systems, as well as ensure that their home is properly waterproofed to prevent water damage. Taking proactive measures to address potential water issues can help protect the home and avoid the devastating consequences of water damage.

Dos of Exterior Waterproofing and Drainage

Dos are things you should be doing to keep your house waterproofed and properly drained. Read ahead for some important tasks to take care of regularly.

1. Inspect and Clean Gutters Regularly

Gutters play a significant role in directing water away from your home’s foundation. Regularly inspecting and cleaning your gutters can prevent clogs and ensure they are functioning correctly. It’s recommended to clean your gutters at least twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall. Additionally, consider installing gutter guards to minimize debris buildup and reduce the need for frequent cleaning.

2. Ensure Proper Downspout Placement

Downspouts are essential in directing water away from your home’s foundation. Make sure your downspouts extend at least 5–10 feet away from your home’s foundation, depending on the slope of your yard. This will help prevent water from pooling around your home’s foundation and seeping into your basement or crawlspace.

3. Use Quality Waterproofing Sealants

Applying high-quality waterproofing sealants to your home’s exterior walls can help prevent water seepage and protect your foundation from damage. Look for sealants specifically designed for exterior use, such as silicone or polyurethane-based products. Apply these sealants according to the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

4. Consider Installing a French Drain

A French drain is an effective drainage system that can help prevent water from pooling around your home’s foundation. This system consists of a trench filled with gravel and a perforated pipe that collects and diverts water away from your home. French drains can be installed around the perimeter of your home or in areas where water tends to accumulate, such as low-lying areas or areas near downspouts.

5. Maintain Proper Landscape Grading

The grading of your yard should encourage water to flow away from your home’s foundation. If your yard slopes towards your home, consider regrading it to promote proper drainage. Additionally, avoid planting trees or shrubs too close to your home’s foundation, as their root systems can damage your foundation and create gaps for water to seep through.

Don’ts of Exterior Waterproofing and Drainage

To keep your home dry and intact, consider the following don’ts related to waterproofing and drainage.

1. Don’t Neglect Gutter Maintenance

As mentioned earlier, gutters play a vital role in protecting your home’s foundation from water damage. Neglecting gutter maintenance can lead to clogs and overflow, which can result in water seeping into your home’s foundation. Be sure to clean your gutters regularly and inspect them for damage or leaks.

2. Don’t Overwater Your Lawn

Overwatering your lawn can contribute to excess moisture around your home’s foundation, increasing the risk of water seepage and damage. Be mindful of how much water you’re using when watering your lawn and try to avoid watering during heavy rainfall or snowmelt, when your yard is already saturated.

3. Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals Near Your Home’s Foundation

Using harsh chemicals, such as deicers or fertilizers, near your home’s foundation can cause damage to your foundation and surrounding landscape. These chemicals can corrode your home’s foundation and degrade the soil, making it more susceptible to water damage. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these products and avoid using them near your home’s foundation.

4. Don’t Ignore Foundation Cracks

If you notice cracks in your home’s foundation, it’s essential to address them promptly. These cracks can allow water to seep into your home’s foundation, leading to structural damage and mold growth. Consider having a professional inspect your home’s foundation to determine the cause of the cracks and recommend the best course of action for repair.

5. Don’t Attempt DIY Waterproofing and Drainage Solutions

While some homeowners may be tempted to attempt DIY waterproofing and drainage solutions, it’s generally best to leave these projects to the professionals. Properly installing and maintaining a waterproofing and drainage system requires specialized knowledge, tools, and materials. Attempting to tackle these projects on your own could result in ineffective solutions or even damage to your home’s foundation.

How Can Home Waterproofing and Drainage Systems Help?

Now that you know the dos and don’ts, let’s review some common solutions to protect homes from water.

As mentioned, home waterproofing and drainage systems are essential for protecting your property from water damage and maintaining a dry and healthy living environment. These systems help prevent water infiltration, manage moisture, and redirect excess water away from your home. See below for some examples of common home waterproofing and drainage systems.

French Drains

French drains are underground drainage systems designed to collect and redirect water away from your home’s foundation. They consist of a perforated pipe surrounded by gravel or rock, which allows water to flow into the drain and be carried away.

Sump Pumps

Basement waterproofing can be critical! Sump pumps are devices installed in basements or crawl spaces to remove excess water. They automatically activate when water levels rise above a certain point, pumping the water out and away from your home.

Gutter Systems

Gutters play a crucial role in directing rainwater away from your home’s roof and foundation. They collect water from the roof and channel it into downspouts, which carry the water away from the house.

Downspout Extensions

Downspout extensions are attachments that extend the length of your downspouts to ensure water is discharged at a safe distance from your home’s foundation. They help prevent water from pooling around the base of your property.

Foundation Waterproofing

Foundation waterproofing involves applying a protective barrier to your home’s foundation walls to prevent water penetration and foundation leaks. This can include such techniques as applying waterproof coatings and installing waterproof membranes.

Crawl Space Encapsulation

Crawl space encapsulation involves sealing off the crawl space with a vapor barrier to prevent moisture from entering. It also helps to control humidity levels and prevent mold and mildew growth.

Exterior Drainage Systems

Exterior drainage systems are designed to manage water on the outside of your home. This can include such techniques as grading the landscape to promote proper water runoff and installing French drains around the perimeter of your property for better water drainage.

Waterproofing Membranes

Waterproofing membranes are materials applied to surfaces exposed to water, such as basements or foundations, to create a watertight seal. These membranes effectively prevent water from seeping into your home.

Implementing these home waterproofing and drainage systems can significantly reduce the risk of water damage, foundation problems, and mold growth. It is important to consult with professionals to assess your specific needs and determine the most suitable solutions for your home.

Protect Your Home’s Foundation with Atlas Restoration’s Waterproofing Expertise

Ensuring the longevity and safety of your home’s foundation is of utmost importance. By adhering to the dos and don’ts mentioned in this comprehensive guide, you can guarantee that your exterior waterproofing and drainage systems are functioning optimally, providing the essential safeguard for your home. However, if you have any concerns or queries regarding your foundation or waterproofing and drainage systems, it is advisable to seek professional guidance.

Atlas Restoration offers cutting-edge exterior drainage solutions that can address your specific needs. Our team of experts possesses the knowledge and experience to provide you with top-notch consultation and assistance. To learn more about our reliable waterproofing services, visit the Atlas Exterior Drainage page. Take a proactive step towards protecting your home by contacting Atlas Restoration for a free consultation. Let us help you maintain the value and security of your cherished abode.